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    of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose.

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The minutes of board meetings

Board Meeting Member



Wednesday June 25th, 2014. 12:30-14:00



Present: Drs. Serano, Fokkens, Otori, Moriyama, Kamel, Stamm, Gendeh, Kennedy, Carney, Palanch, Vicente, Kozlov, Lacroix,

The meeting was opened by Professor Fokkens, who discussed the status of the current meeting in Amsterdam.  Dr. Fokkens pointed out that there were 1700 delegates from 99 countries.  She was pleased to report that the ERS and been able to support a number of junior participants, and that the ARS had also provided the funds to support 5 Junior members to attend.  Professor Fokkens received hearty congratulations from the board on the success of the meeting.

Professor Kennedy reported that the registration of the society under Swiss law is essentially completed. He mentioned that Dr. Ohnishi had indicated that he would like to resign as historian.  He also mentioned that, at this point in time, we do not have a representative from the large, and very supportive, Korean rhinologic society. In follow-up to the last board meeting, he had contacted Hector de la Garza as a potential representative to replace Dr. Stamm on the board of directors. Dr. De La Garza had agreed to serve in this position. The board unanimously voted in favor of placing him on the board. Professor Kennedy pointed out that we still need an additional representative from Africa/Middle East, and recommended that the task of filling this position be taken on by the membership committee.

Professor Kennedy discussed difficulties with regard to the proposed joint meeting of the IRS and ISIAN in Hong Kong in 2017. Although the IRS board voted in favor of a joint meeting in Amsterdam they did so with a division of profit providing the majority of the income to the IRS. The ISIAN board had previously provided guidelines for future joint IRS meetings and made the provision that they should be equitable with the funding divided equally between the local organizer in the two societies and this had been communicated to Dr. Onerci as a condition for ISIAN participation.  The resolution by the IRS is thus divisive and not in the best interests of bringing the two societies together for this or subsequent meetings. That said, Professor Tong was invited to make a presentation for a meeting in 2017.

Professor Otori provided the treasurer’s report, and also reported on the website.  The society has currently expended $4000 on the incorporation process.  An additional $4000 payment is due on completion.  The website is currently in development and moving towards finalization. The ability for members to apply online and pay for membership will be available within the website. It was suggested that the PayPal option be provided in addition to a credit card option because of the cheaper costs involved. Prof. Otori reported that he has currently spent $18,000 in local funds on the website development. The potential for cheaper website development was discussed, and professor Fokkens felt that she could provide a significantly reduced cost option.

Professor Kamel discussed these plans for the November meeting in Dubai. The meeting is progressing satisfactorily and he reported that they currently have approximately 250 abstracts. The abstract deadline will be extended for an additional month. Although the meeting will be at a five-star hotel, differing  hotel options at less expensive prices will also be offered. He briefly discussed some of the difficulties which have occurred with the Egyptian Otolaryngology Society.

Professor Stamm reported on the progress for the 2015 joint IRS/ISIAN meeting in São Paulo. He discussed the importance of support from the Brazilian societies. Local costs are an issue.  Currently, hotel prices São Paulo are very expensive and the exhibit space is also expensive. In addition, the meeting will require simultaneous translation. Professor Kennedy reviewed professor Stamm’s prior history of extremely successful meetings and reiterated that the meeting will unquestionably be successful.  Pre-and post-Congress tours will be arranged.

Professor Kennedy then went on to discuss the committee structure for the ISIAN. The importance of involving more junior membership in the committee structure was discussed as the membership is expanded.   The following committees were approved with a plan that they would serve for two years and additional members added. The committee structure will be revised in 2016.

Committees and membership:

Membership and Nominating Committee
Nobuyoshi Otori
John Pallanch
Wytske Fokkens
David Kennedy
Vladimir Kozlov

Education Committee
Simon Carney
James Palmer
Aldo Stamm
Andy Dhong

Mission Statement
David Kennedy
Wytske Fokkens
Simon Carney

By Laws
James Palmer
Nobuyoshi Otori
Hector De La Garza
Gil Vicente

The board accepted Dr. Ohnishi’s request to retire as historian with appreciation for his many years as service in this role and as general secretary.  The board approved the appointment of Professor Moriyama to the post of Historian and approved the appointment of Andy Dhong as a member of the board of directors and representative from Asia.

Par Starnje discussed the plans for the 2016 ERS meeting in Stockholm.  He expressed that he would like this to be a combined meeting with the ISIAN. There was discussion with regard to the need for input for the Scientific executive committee from the ISIAN. It was agreed that Simon Carney and Andy Dhong would represent the ISIAN on this committee. There was also discussion with regard to the importance of providing prominence for the ISIAN and its sessions, and Prof. Starnje agreed that 30% of the society profit distribution would be provided to the ISIAN. The board unanimously voted to make this a joint meeting with the ERS.

Professor Tong them briefly discussed the proposal for a joint meeting with the IRS in Hong Kong in 2017. There was significant discussion following the presentation with regard to the proposal to proceed with this meeting in the light of the IRS resolution garnering 70% of the meeting profit. Professor Kennedy reiterated  that the board had previously asserted that joint meetings with the IRS would be split one third to each society and one third to the organizing committee.

Professor Kennedy proposed a motion that the ISIAN provisionally support the concept of a joint meeting in Hong Kong in 2017, subject to a more equitable distribution of the finances. This motion was approved unanimously. Professor Fokkens proposed an amendment to the motion recommending the support of the ISIAN irrespective of obtaining a more equitable financial distribution and this amendment was accepted 4 to 3, many of the members of the board having left for 2pm commitments.  Dr. Carney volunteered to petition for a more equitable distribution of finances with Dr. Onerci

The meeting was adjourned at 14:20 and the next meeting is planned for the November meeting in Dubai.