• International Society
    of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose.



The International Society of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN)

Robert C. Kern

Robert C. Kern, MD, FACSI
General Secretary, ISIAN
Professor and Chairman, Department of Otolaryngology
Northwestern University, Feinberg School, of Medicine

It is with great pleasure, that I welcome you to the International Society of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose. ISIAN was originally founded in 1976 as the International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose. The founder, Professor Ryo Takahashi, was an international leader within the field of treatment of sinus disease with a strong desire to both further knowledge about rhinology and sinus disease, and to disseminate research about these disorders. After thriving through 32 international meetings as an informal organization, the ISIAN officially became incorporated as The International Society of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose in 2014.

There is an ongoing epidemic of allergic and chronic inflammatory airway disease throughout the world, and the incidence and prevalence continue to increase. We are only just beginning to understand airway pathophysiology, and we now clearly recognize that the effects include not only the cardinal sinus symptoms, but also fatigue, absenteeism from work, sleep disturbance, reduced daytime wakefulness and the ability to concentrate. Taken together, these contribute to major health care costs with associated socioeconomic impact. In addition to traditional treatment options, the introduction of new biologic therapies for upper and lower airway disease offers great promise for the future. The optimum drug for a particular patient remains unclear, but valuable contributions are being made by investigators around the world.

Rhinologists and allergists have a long history of treating inflammatory diseases of the airways. The worldwide Covid pandemic has illustrated how little medical science knows about the pathophysiology of infectious upper and lower respiratory viruses, including the potential protective role of nasal immunity. The olfactory system was particularly vulnerable to Covid. The potential role for us will be to apply the knowledge gained in our studies of CRS and asthma to this deadly threat. The theoretical application of nasal vaccines and transnasal therapeutics, in particular for anosmia, is obvious. This is a huge challenge, but I am sure we will rise to meet it!

Thus, the importance of ISIAN cannot be underestimated as we facilitate research and education on these topics. Inflammatory and infectious diseases vary around the world, and we have much to learn from each other. Our annual meetings will continue to have significant impact on physician practice and basic research. ISIAN ensures that clinicians and investigators are brought together to discuss their work, and to disseminate their knowledge with practitioners in the field, thereby providing maximal benefit to both patients and to the general public. In addition to its regular meetings, ISIAN members share their knowledge through the official journal of the Society, the International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology and other scientific publications.

ISIAN membership is open to physicians and surgeons who include disorders of the airways in their practice and to researchers with an interest in this field, and membership application is made online. Annual meetings provide both an opportunity to promulgate expertise and interact with others performing basic research or clinical work within this rapidly evolving field. Every other year, the ISIAN meeting has traditionally been held in conjunction with the European Rhinologic Society. ISIAN also has a special commitment to education in the Far East, as well as in developing countries. ISIAN provides a truly unique opportunity for education and for the interchange of research within the field. Through this route we have been able to bring cutting-edge concepts to address this burgeoning problem to people as far apart as Manilla, London, Amsterdam, Sophia, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago, Seoul, Philadelphia and Tokyo. Members who are truly preeminent and internationally recognized within their field can also apply to the ISIAN board to be considered as a potential host of a future ISIAN meeting within their country. It is our hope that all otolaryngologists and allergists will join ISIAN and have the opportunity to participate in our forthcoming meetings.


Robert C. Kern, MD, FACSI

General Secretary, ISIAN

Professor and Chairman, Department of Otolaryngology

Northwestern University, Feinberg School, of Medicine

Production and Management of this Website

Prof. Hiroshi Moriyama, Chairman and Professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Jikei University School of Medicine, produces and manages the Website.

The purpose of this Website is to explain, publicize, and increase the attendance of ISIAN as worldwide meeting for Rhinolgy.