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    of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose.

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The minutes of board meetings

Board Meeting Member


ISIAN Board Meeting

June 12,2006, Tampere, Finland

Participants: Dr. Aldo Stamm. Dr. Balwatu Gcndeh, Dr. Markus Rautiainen, Dr.

Anthony Papavassilliou, Dr. Gerhard Rettinger, Dr. Hiroshi Moriyama, Dr.YG. Min, Dr.

Metin Onerci, Dr. James Palmer (Guest),

Dr. Stamm was delayed for the opening of the meeting by a lecture. Dr. Kennedy in Dr.

Slamm's absence, called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved.

Dr.Markus Rautiainen, President Elect reported that 792 delegates had registered for the meeting in Tampere. He stated there would be 407 presentations and 3 instructional courses. Largest number of international delegates were from Korea (110). Other countries with large presentations included: Turkey (108) and Japan (84) 130 people attended from Finland. Dr. Rautiainen also discussed the social events planned for the remainder of the meeting

Dr. Gendeh then discussed the plans for the 26th ISIAN meeting to be held January lst-4th February in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prior to the meeting ( January 29-31st )there will be skull base and allergy workshops. Dr Gendeh said that he expected 500-700 participants - and that the meeting would be held at Shangri-La hotel. A prior meeting held at this hotel previously had demonstrated that this was an ideal meeting venue, with excellent facilities and a location adjacent to the twin towers downtown. Ten international speakers had been invited and agreed to come so far, but arrangements are ongoing. A large attendance is expected. He did warn that the new airport is some distance away from city about 28 minutes by fast train. He stated that tickets could be bought on the train and that it leaves directly from the airport. He plans to discuss advertising the meeting in the A JR.

Dr. Anthony Papavassilliou, then talked about the next combined ERS/ISIAN meeting in Greece. June 15th- 19th 2008. The meeting will be held in Crete at the Creta Maris Conference Center. Dr. Rettinger reminded Dr. Papavassilliou that one day needs to be devoted to the ISIAN to be compliance with ISIAN rules. Dr. Papavassilliou promised to follow these rules and to work with the board in arranging this meeting. He also stated that he wanted to arrange something different in terms of social events. There was discussion with regard to the most appropriate length of the meeting each day and with regard to the timing of the lectures so as to allow people time to go to the beach, but also to maximize attendance at the lectures.

Dr. Kennedy discussed the board membership He asked that Dr. Ohnishi be asked to put together an ISIAN history. Dr. Moriyama said that he would ask Dr Ohnishi to produce a copy of the Bylaws and that he would ask him to put together a history of ISIAN in his role as historian

Dr. Kennedy mentioned that the concept of holding a joint ISIAN/'IRS meeting had been previously discussed Since that time, the ARS has also agreed to combine their spring meeting with the IRS/ISIAN meeting in 2009, and the AAOA was also considering joining this meeting. Dr.Kennedy introduced the concept of Dr. Palmer being the ISlAN President for this meeting. Dr. Palmer then presented a formal proposal for a joint ISIAN/IRS/ARS meeting in April 2009. The meeting is planned for April 15 -19th 2009. He presented the outline proposal for the scientific meeting and possible social events, and also discussed the Philadelphia environment. Special sessions will be devoted 10 each or the societies. The decision to combine the ISIAN/IRS meeting, with participation from the ARS and possibly also the AAOA was formally approved.

Dr. Moriyama then discussed the proposal to move ISIAN towards a society. Money is currently being donated by the Jikei university and the Japan Rhinologic Society towards this end. These was discussion that in the future possibly money would be raised for the new society from future meetings or even from membership donations.

The ISIAN president, Dr. Stamm gave a formal report regarding the meeting in 2005 meeting in Sao Paulo. There were a record 1760 participants for the meeting. 24% were international and 76% Brazilian. The largest international delegations were Chile and Turkey. Meeting was successful financially and Dr. Stamm reported that all profit from the meeting was donated to the University and used to buy endoscopes for the residents.

Dr. Moriyama presented an outline proposal for an ISIAN meeting in April 2011 in Tokyo. He discussed the high cost of holding a meeting in Tokyo- and stated that maybe somewhat of an issue. The proposal was enthusiastically endorsed by the Board.

There being no additional business, the meeting was then adjourned by Dr. Stamm. The next meeting will be held during the ISIAN meeting in Malaysia in February.