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The minutes of board meetings

Board Meeting Member


24th ISIAN Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Board Meeting April 22nd 2005

The meeting was opened by Dr. Onerci as current President. He thanked Dr. Stamm for the outstanding meeting that he put on. He stressed the importance of close cooperation between ERS and ISIAN.

He stated that at the last joint meeting with the ERS in Istanbul there were 1400 participants, 3 plenary sessions, 24 panel discussions, 36 miniseminars. Approximately 1/2 of the participants were from Turkey and 51 countries participated. The Gala dinner was very expensive, but the meeting broke even with some additional financial support from a commercial sponsor for the dinner.

Dr. Stamm, the President Elect, thanked everyone for coming to Sao Paulo. He stated that there were 1700 attendants, (incl. 500 speakers and some guests). He was able to offer free registration and social events for all speakers and also to keep the cost for registration of local participants very reasonable (about $100 for practicing otolaryngologists). Probably about 75% of the participants were from Brazil, but approximately 40 countries were represented. Despite the limited cost and large number of speakers given free registration and social events, he expects the meeting to be profitable. Dr. Kennedy said the thought that it was the highest attendance at any ISIAN ever.

Dr. Rautiainen discussed the plans for the 25th ISIAN in conjunction with the ERS next June 11-15th 2006 in Tampere Finland. The Congress center can hold up to 3000 delegates, and he is working on a break even of 500 participants. Dr. Stamm will play a part in the scientific committee. 2nd announcement now out. He stated that special celebrations are planned to mark the 25th ISIAN meeting. Congress fees will be E450, Residents E275, ERS members E400. Direct flights are available to Tampere from Helsinki and Stockholm, and it is approximately Ih 45m from Helsinki by bus.

Dr. Gendeh discussed the plans for the 26th ISIAN l-4th Feb, 2007 in Kuala Lumpur. The hotel options have not yet been finalized. It is planned that the meeting will include pre and post congress workshops.

Dr. Anthony Papavassiliou discussed the early plans for the ERS/ISIAN 2008, 15-19th June in Crete and assured the Board that the ERS would be fully involved.

Dr. Kennedy, stated discussions are continuing with regard to converting ISIAN into a society. Dr. Moriyama has been working on this issue but is not yet ready to come forward with a report. Dr. Kennedy also discussed the plans for the 2009 IRS/ISIAN combined meeting which will be held in Philadelphia. Current dates are June 6-8th 2009. However, as there will also be an IFOS meeting in Sao Paulo in 2009, the potential for conflict is being carefully monitored and a date change could be required.

Dr. Rettinger said the 2010 ERS meeting would be in Geneva and hopefully will be combined with ISIAN. The current plans are for Dr. Moriyama to hold the 2011 ISIAN meeting in Tokyo, but this is only provisional and has not yet been confirmed. The goal will be to finalize the site for the 2011 meeting at the next IRS meeting in June 2006 in Tampere Finland.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed by Dr. Onerci and the Board adjourned for lunch.